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Ключевые слова: impedance

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A method based on a dual frequency resonator to estimate physical parameters of superconductors from surface impedance measurements in a magnetic field

Enhancement on the Fault Ride through Capability of Power Distribution Systems Linked by Distributed Generation due to the Impedance of Superconducting Fault Current Limiters

Expected Regret-Based Method for Determining Impedance of Fault Current Limiting Superconducting Cable Incorporating Power System Uncertainties

Current limiting impedance comparison between different designs of iron cores of the flux-lock-type superconducting fault current limiter

Impedance Selection of a Fault Current Limiting Superconducting Cable Under Fault Conditions in a Power System from a System Protection Perspective

Analysis model development and specification proposal of 154 kV SFCL for the application to a live grid in South Korea

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